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Frequently Asked Questions

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There are no credit requirements. As long as you can afford the monthly payment (which is typically much lower than your credit card minimums) you qualify for debt relief. The minimum amount to qualify for The DRC Program is $7,500 in approved unsecured debts. However we do make exceptions.

Qualifying Debt Includes:

Credit Card Debt

Personal Loans

Unsecured Lines of Credit

Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loans

Medical Bills

Collections & Arrears

The Debt Relief Company was founded to assist clients in alleviating financial burdens and help them achieve financial prosperity. If you have excessive credit card or personal loan debt you are in the right place. Or more simply put, if your future financial goals and financial well-being are not aligned, then chances are that we can help! Our expertise lies in eliminating all your unsecured debts within a 1-4 year time frame, while saving you money each month by negotiating new deals with your creditors to payback less than what you currently owe. We strive to provide our clients with the best debt relief program and best customer service in the United States. We never charge upfront fees and the success of our clientele is always our top priority. Our foremost goal is to save you as much money as possible and get you out of debt as quickly as possible, and we are willing to stake our reputation on it.

Each and every financial consultation performed begins with both a credit and balance sheet overview along with expert analysis of your current financial situation. Once we understand your situation we can custom tailor a plan to help you achieve your individual goals! You should expect one main point of contact throughout the entirety of your time working with us. The financial consultant you initially spoke to will be your main point of contact throughout the course of The DRC Program. Accountability is very important to us, so we will never defer your questions or concerns to anyone except your personal financial consultant. We don’t believe in cookie cutter solutions or a one size fits all policy, everyone’s situation is completely different! For that reason our service is designed to align with your specific needs. Feel free to use our debt relief calculator to get a quote for your new low monthly payment.

There are currently no credit requirements for all services we provide. Moreover, all consultations are risk-free and require no commitment on your part. Seldom are we unable to add value to a client's financial well-being, even if you feel one of our programs is not the correct fit for you, all consultations are completely free and require no obligation on your end. However, The DRC Program does have some minimum requirements and isn't always a good fit for everyone, especially if it doesn't align with your personal goals. If this is the case, we would never recommend our services unless it is to your benefit. If possible, we are happy to assist you in finding alternative options.

Here at The Debt Relief Co, we specialize in dealing with debts like unsecured personal loans, credit card debt, student loans, revolving lines of credit, medical debt, etc. (or more specifically "bad debt"). High utilization rates and high balances on these types of accounts have the most detrimental impact to your credit score so these are the highest priority for improving a client's credit worthiness and financial well-being overtime. However, even though we do not specialize in secured or collateralized debt you can always use your monthly savings from The DRC program to more aggressively pay off any mortgages, HELOCs, auto loans, etc. (otherwise known as "good debt"). As long as your debt is unsecured and eligible for the debt relief program, we will strive to help you pay it off and save as much money as possible! However, it is unlikely for you to become completely debt free, given the fact that many Americans have secured debts like mortgages and auto loans that cannot be included in the program.

Although each case is specific to an individual's current financial situation, depending on the current standing of your credit report and credit worthiness at the time of enrollment, debt relief could very well have a negative impact to your credit worthiness in the short to intermediate term. However, we do not take a short-term approach to improving the financial well-being of our clients. Good things take time. We do not pretend to offer an overnight solution. Odds are that your debt did not accrue overnight, so it will take a reasonable amount of time to better your financial standing. So, if you initially see an adverse effect to your credit score, we would focus on fixing the root cause of the problem (too much "bad debt", high debt-to-income ratios, high credit utilization rates and reliance on revolving lines of credit) which will gradually lead to you becoming more credit worthy over time.

There is no catch associated with any options we offer! All monthly quotes provided are all inclusive and never include any hidden fees. Moreover, our estimates are always conservative as we always aim to under promise and overdeliver. Otherwise, one drawback of the debt relief program, will be that credit cards you want to enroll in the program will have to be closed out (as would any other open lines of credit you include in the program). However, you can still pick and chose what accounts you want to include in enrollment. You don’t have to include all lines of credit if you still want to retain use of credit during the program. So yes, you will see significant monthly savings, but you still have to give some things up in order to benefit from the reduction in interest and debt owed. Life is all about give and take. As long as you are okay with all of the above, then enrolling in The DRC Program would most definitely be to your benefit.

You absolutely can but you can also do your own indoor plumbing! If you have no experience or know-how of how plumbing works and how to approach a job, it will likely be a bad idea and lead to a less than ideal situation. You could make mistakes which end up costing you more money in the long-run and end up making your situation worse off than when you started. With this being said, in a small percentage of cases, negotiating on your debt by yourself may actually be the best option for you. If the debt amount does not meet our minimum requirement and you carry a relatively small number of accounts you should definitely consider it—as long as you are willing to do the research and put it in the work.

The Debt Relief Company charge absolutely no upfront fees — ever! In fact, the ability to collect fees from clients is contingent upon our performance. So, until we save you money we will not charge you anything. Our service cost is 20% of the enrolled debt amount. We pride ourselves on never charging any upfront fees and always providing savings and value to your life before taking any fees from your enrollment in the debt relief program. We firmly believe that if we don’t save you money on your credit card debt we should not be able to collect any fees for the duration of your debt relief program. We have no hidden fees or costs and the monthly payment you are quoted is always inclusive of all program costs.

Inquiring with The Debt Relief Company is relatively straight forward. You can fill out a form on our website denoting the best call back time for a consultant to reach out to you and we will be sure to get back to expeditiously. Click here to schedule your free debt consultation. Alternatively, you can call us at our toll-free number (888) 344-0214, reach out via email or reach out to us via any social media outlet (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Yelp, etc.). Once you speak with your financial consultant and decide on which option and payment term you would like to move forward with they will assist you in the enrolling in the debt relief program.

Our greatest responsibility always rests in helping our clients get out of debt and alleviating their financial burdens. If you have a financial emergency or have experienced excessive hardship due to the impact of COVID-19 please feel free to reach out, we are here to serve and help! If this occurs, please feel free to contact your financial consultant directly.